ECS 162 Assignment 2
You are encouraged to work on this assignment in teams of two.

Please submit by 10pm, Friday April 13, on Canvas.
Extra credit due 10pm, Monday April 16, on Canvas.


In this project, we'll make a Web page for the current exhibit at the Manetti Shrem museum, "Wayne Thiebald: 1958-1968". The goal is to develop some front-end skills in using CSS to make responsive designs that work well on a variety of screen sizes, and to practice working with a designer.

Dana, our designer, has given us mock-ups for a design that should appear differently on three ranges of display size: small (like a phone), medium (like a tablet or small laptop window) and large (a window on a desktop monitor or a window almost filling a laptop screen).

The large design requires some Javascript to get working, so it will be due on Monday as extra credit. Since extra credit early in the course is easy to get, and you might need it later, I recommend everyone go for it.

Out assignment is to make a responsive design that works in any width window. That is, we want an implementation that is both responsive and which implements the assigned design. Some hints about what this means:

Download Dana's, which contains all the mock-ups she made for the page as well as the images of the paintings. Make the directory "exhibitAssets" a sibling directory of the the one that contains the exhibit.html and exhibit.css files you are working on, so that, for instance, you would put the bananas image into exhibit.html using a relative path that looks like this:
<img src="../exhibitAssets/Bananas, 1963. Oil on canvas.jpg"> .
This will make it easier for us to grade!

I suggest you start by implementing the medium-sized design (with three rows of two pictures each). Then use a media query to make changes as necessary to get the mobile version. Finally, use another media query to get the large version, and add a little Javascript to make it respond to clicks on the small images.

Please submit three files:

using Canvas, without zipping them. You and your partner should submit identical files. There is no need to submit the assets directory to us, we have it!