ECS163 Syllabus

Winter Quarter 2016

Course Description:

In this class, you will study the art and science of information visualization and interface designs for information systems. The lectures will cover design principles of human-computer interaction, as well as visualization techniques for navigating and understanding nonspatial and higher dimensional data. You will learn about implementation and performance issues, tradeoffs, and evaluation of interactive information systems through working on homeworks and class projects. You are expected to give presentations of your visualization/interface designs to the whole class.

Course Home Page



Time & Place:

Lectures on Monday and Wednesday, 8:30-9:50am, in 1204 Haring
Discussion Sessions Friday, 3:10-4:00pm in 1204 Haring


Professor Kwan-Liu Ma
2121 Kemper Hall
Office hours: Tuesday 10:00am-12:00pm (or by appointment)


Chris Bryan
1105 Kemper Hall
Office hours: 10am-12pm Wednesday and 1-3pm Friday

Textbooks and Readings

Visualization Analysis and Design
Tamara Munzner
A K Peters/CRC Press, December 2014

Please refer to the this page for reading assignments.

Projects and Grading

There are homework assignments, projects, and a midterm exam:
  • Homework I (5%): Visualization critiques [1/11]
  • Project I (20%): [1/25]
  • Project II (25%): [2/15]
    • Presentation [2/17,2/19]
  • 80-minute midterm exam (20%) [3/7]
  • Final project (25%): [3/13]
    • Proposal [2/24]
    • Proposal Presentation [2/29]
    • Demonstration [3/15]
  • Class Attendance (5%)

Important: A computer program that does not run and generate images will not be graded. An project that is partially done must be clearly documented to indicate what functionalities were (or were not) implemented.

You have access to the Linux PCs (with Geforce card) in the CSIF labs at the basement of Kemper. The use of these systems is not required to complete the projects of the course. You may demonstrate your inteactive systems on these systems or your own laptops.

Due Date:
To receive full credit for a project, the program must be turned in complete by midnight (11:59pm) of the due date. Problems that are turned in after this time will be penalized 10% per day.

Follow these instructions to turn in your programs.


In general, regrades must be turned in no later than one week after the graded papers were made available, not from when the student picked up her or his paper. However, at the end of the quarter, papers to be considered for regrades must be turned in earlier, as will be announced. Similarly, any missing or misrecorded grades must be reported within a week of their posting,except as will be announced at the end of the quarter.
Sample Grades:
90% 80% 70% 60% 50%
I do not give them unless extreme circumstances are presented and documented. In this case, the student should be prepared to retake the class completely.

Class Attendance

Class attendance is required and can impact up to 5% of your grade. You are responsible for all material covered, projects and examinations given, announcements made, etc. in all classes. If you miss a class, consult one of your classmates for notes and announcements. Class handouts will be available online in the class home page:

Policies, Cheating and Plagiarism

This is a demanding course. We are asking you to not only learn the design principles, but to learn how to utilize the existing toolkits and produce fully working programs. It is difficult to learn everything that you will need to know for building interactive systems by yourself. To solve these problems, you require a tremendous amount of information -- and there is information available to you, not only from books or from over the network, but also from other students in the course.

While I would like to encourage cooperative work, each student is to do his or her own work on each project. The basic idea is simple. Share the ideas, share the strategies, help each other with system productivity, ask questions of others, but produce your own code. Create a synergistic environment where we all learn much more than you could if you did this class entirely on your own.

Any instance of suspected cheating or plagiarism (e.g., copying other student's code) will be referred to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs for adjudication. The `Code of Academic Conduct' describes relevant policies and procedures. Ask the instructor for clarification beforehand if the above rules are not clear.

Tentative Class Schedule:
