Lecture Topics F 2009

Note: lectures with 09 dates have been updated, others are left over from last year and may not be accurate

  • 1. 9/24/09. Introduction (Types of analysis)
  • Dynamic Programming: Points to lines (6.3), RNA folding (6.5)

  • 2. 9/29/09. Sequence alignment (6.6) linear space (6.7), Shortest Paths(6.8)
  • 3. 10/1/08 shortest paths continued (6.9, bit of 6.10), All pairs shortest paths: Floyd-Warshall; removing negative edges. Network flows: 7.1, 7.2: problem definition, cuts, weak duality theorem,

  • 4. 10/6/09 Residual graphs, 7.2 Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, 7.3 capacity scaling algorithm

  • 5. 10/8/09 Network Flows: improved Scaling algorithm (using h() to efficiently find shortest A-paths), application to bipartite matching, disjoint paths (7.3, 7.5,7.6), circulations

  • 6. 10/12/09 Survey design (7.8), image segmentation (7.10) Project Selection (7.11), Baseball (7.12).

  • 7. 10/15/09 weighted bipartite matching, non-bipartite matching (summary 7.13) Hard Problems: P, reductions, hard problems (8.1, 8.2)

  • 8. 10/20/09 Hard Problems: (8.2), NP, decision versus optimization, subset sum reductions, weak and strong NP-hardness (8.8), 8.9 co-NP, Pspace (9.1,9.2)

  • 9. 10/22/09 Pspace (9.4,9.5), Dealing with hard problems, special cases: 10.1 Small Vertex Covers, 10.2 Independent Set on trees

  • 10. 10/27/09 Approximations, vertex cover, Scheduling 11.1, center selection 11.2, weighted vertex cover 11.4

  • 11. 10/29/09 Midterm

  • 12. 11/3/09 Midterm solutions, Set cover 11.3, TSP is hard to approximate

  • 13. 11/5/09 Disjoint paths 11.5, 11.8 knapsack,

  • 14. 11/10/09 linear programming/integer programming 11.6, VC approx (11.6), Branch-bound

  • 15. 11/12/09 Local Search (12.1), Simulated Annealing (brief) (12.2) Randomized algorithms: contention resolution (13.1), randomized Min-cut (13.2)

  • 16. 11/17/09 randomized max-sat (13.4), Hashing (13.6)

  • 17. 11/19/09 Perfect Hashing (CLRS 11.5) Primality Testing (see link, and Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest 31.8),

  • 18. 12/2/08 Primality Testing continued, Closest Point (13.7),

  • 19. 12/01/09 PRAM models CRCS, CREW, EREW, parallel summation/max/OR. Parallel Quicksort

  • 20. 12/03/09 Parallel quicksort using pointer , bitonic sort (27.3 in Cormebook) K