ECS 188 - Project Guidelines (Oral and Written)

  1. Your presentation is 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of discussion.

  2. You may work with a partner on the project.

  3. We suggest you do your presentation in PowerPoint, but other presentation tools, such as ooimpress, are fine too.

  4. Email us a draft of your presentation that you would be willing to give two weeks before the day you will give your talk. This draft should be in black and white, with no hard to print background colors or images.  Your email should have both partner's names so we can easily reply to both of you with our feedback.  Budget time to hone both your paper and your slides in response to my feedback. Send .ppt if you will use PowerPoint. Email us in advance, and one of us will make our laptop available to you for use during your presentation.

  5. Your written report should be 10 pages and no more than 15. It should be carefully written.

  6. Post your paper and your slides to the course wiki page, three days before your talk, so we can all read it before your presentation.

  7. In both your written and oral presentations, try not to rehash old discussions we have had in class; focus on what's new and interesting to you.

  8. Most of the books have way too much material to go over comprehensively in a 20-minute presentation or a 10-page paper. Your job will be to select what you find to be the most interesting and relevant material. Don't "gloss over" things in order to be comprehensive; We would rather see a meaningful treatment of a small amount of material.

  9. Have fun!!!