--------- Section 1 --------- Tuesday, June 2 101. Beto + Luis, Nuclear Weapons ("Bomb Scare") 102. Alan + Andy, The Murky Society: A Counter-Argument (book: "The Transparent Society") 103. Ying + Justin, "Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century" Thursday, June 4 104. Patricia + Jeffrey, The Ethics of Video Game Design 105. Trevor + Chris, Why Should a Company Go Green? 106. Cameron + Eddy, Network Neutrality 107. Jules + Scott(Jeryl), "World without secrets" Thursday, June 11 (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm) 108. William + Randy, Digitial Textbooks: Why they Fail and How to Fix Them 109. Guang + Gary, Nuclear Displacement 110. Jonathan + Mariela, Ethics in Computer Security 111. Samuel + Jae Eun + Jong, Climate change: Tuvulu --------- Section 2 --------- Tuesday, June 2 201. Cameron + Fei, Philosophy of the USA PATRIOT Act 202. Tiffany + Ara, "The Digital Person" 203. Thomas + Ka Wing, "The Religion of Technology" 204. Jeffrey + Nicki, Unintended Consequence (book: "Why Things Bite Back") Thursday, June 4 205. Kyle + Jorje, Military Ethics 206. Chris + San, Ethical disposal of technological refuse 207. Evan + Ying, Singularity and the Future 208. Anthony + Matthew, Ethics of Smart Military Technology Saturday, June 6 (10:30 am - 12:30 pm) 209. Oscar + Johnny, The History and Future of Nuclear Weapons 210. Johnston + Parika, Internet and Religion 211. Albert + Tushar, Online privacy: social media in the information age 212. Keith + Adam, - "Darwin Among the Machines"