Package Name PROPACK
Author(s) Rasmus Munk Larsen
Version no version number available
Date 2001
Language Fortran 77, MATLAB
Platform(s) any
References 4.4 Lanczos method, Hermitian eigenvalue problem
6.3 Iterative Algorithms, Singular Value Decomposition

The software package PROPACK contains a set of functions for solving the symmetric eigenvalue problem and for computing the singular value decomposition of large and sparse or structured matrices. The eigenvalue routines are based on the symmetric Lanczos algorithm (PRO) with partial reorthogonalization, while the SVD routines are based on the Lanczos bidiagonalization with partial reorthogonalization (BPRO). The Lanczos routines can also be used directly, and form the basis of efficient algorithms for solving discrete ill-posed problems and linear systems of equations or linear least squares problems with multiple right-hand sides (see e.g. the technical report below and the thesis Efficient Algorithms for helioseismic inversion. by RML). The implementation of PRO is inspired by the FORTRAN 77 code found in the LANSO package by Parlett, Simon and Wu (see e.g. Simon & Wu 1997). The BPRO implementation is based on the algorithm described in

Rasmus Munk Larsen, "Lanczos bidiagonalization with partial reorthogonalization for large sparse SVD and linear least squares calculations", Tech. Rep., Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, August 1998.


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