Package Name TRLAN
Author(s) Kesheng Wu and Horst Simon
Version 1.0
Date Feb 21, 2001
Language Fortran 90
Platform(s) any w/ Fortran 90, BLAS, LAPACK, and if parallel, MPI
References 4.5 Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Method

This is a SPECIALIZED thick restart implementation of Lanczos. It is for the case where one wants a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a large hermitian eigenproblem for which shift and invert is not possible.

This method aims to reduce both storage space and computation time in three ways. The thick restart technique is used, and the user chooses how many Lanczos vectors are generated. The implementation of matrix-vector multiplication is left to the user so that it can be custom made for the problem being solved. To reduce the time spent in reorthogonalization, it is only performed when necessary. This method performs less arithmetic operations than the comparable implicitly restarted Arnoldi and thick restart Davidson methods. Most arithmetic computation is done through calls to BLAS and LAPACK.

The program is highly modularized so as to be easily modifiable. It is written in Fortran 90 which can be easily called from C or C++. This code can run on a single address machine or in a distributed parallel environment, which requires MPI.


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