Christopher J. Nitta

Christopher J. Nitta Image
Associate Professor of Teaching, Computer Science

ECS 192 & 199 Coordination
I have taken on the role of coordinating ECS 192 internship credits as well as reviewing all ECS 199 proposals and final reports. Please read all of the directions below and follow them to help me streamline the process. If you have any queestions about the process, please e-mail me at with the subject "ECS 192/199 - Question".

Repeat unit limitations for ECS 192 & 199
The limit of allowed repeat ECS 192 or 199 units depends upon the major. Please follow the links to the appropriate degree requirements for your college.
For CS majors see the College of L & S degree requirements here.
For CS&E majors see the College of Engineering degree requirements here.

ECS 192 Directions:

  1. Beginning of the quarter/before quarter begins:
    1. Login to and under Your Courses, select Add New Internship Course
    2. In your proposal select me as your sponsor.
    3. You will need veification of employment (this does not have to state that you are receiving financial compensation).
    4. Some of the other fields you will need to fill out are: (See 192 Proposal Example for a past example)
      • Requested Units - This should be at most one unit for each 3hr/wk you are working during quarter (5hr/wk for summer session). You can only request up to 5 units in a single term.
      • Units Justification - This should specify how many hours per week you are planning/scheduled to work.
      • Company Name - Obvious, but also could be a research group or Professors name if doing research outside the department.
      • Background - Provide some background to the company or work.
      • Objective - What do you expect to be working on?
      • Goals - Overall what do you expect to learn/accomplish?
      • Plan - What is your plan so that you can be successful?
    5. Once submitted, I will review the proposal, and possibly request changes.
    6. Once the proposal is sufficient I will accept it, and you will be able to get the CRN from the site.
    7. Take the CRN and register in Schedule Builder
  2. During quarter:
    1. You will need to provde a weekly update at If you fail to submit an update, the system will e-mail you regularly at your UCD e-mail address until it is completed.
  3. End of quarter:
    1. At the beginning of the final week of instruction, you will need to submit a final report of what you've completed.
    2. Some of the fields you will need to fill out are: (See 192 Final Report Example for a past example)
      • Title
      • Accomplishments - Give an overall brief of what you did. You should probably give some background for those that haven't read your proposal.
      • Skills Acquired - What new skills have you acquired, or what have you learned?
      • Objectives Completed - What objectives did you complete while there?
    3. Once submitted, I will review the final report, and possibly request changes.
    4. Once the proposal is sufficient I will accept it, and you will be all done.

ECS 199 Directions:

  1. Beginning of the quarter/before quarter begins:
    1. Login to and under Your Courses, select Add New Research Course
    2. In your proposal select the faculty member you will be working with as your sponsor. If you are working with someone outside the CS department, it is best that we handle this as a 192.
    3. Some of the other fields you will need to fill out are: (See 199 Proposal Example for a past example)
      • Requested Units - This should be at most one unit for each 3hr/wk you are working during quarter (5hr/wk for summer session). You can only request up to 5 units in a single term.
      • Units Justification - This should specify how many hours per week you are planning/scheduled to work.
      • Title - Title of the research work.
      • Background - Provide some background about the research.
      • Objective - What is the objective of the research?
      • Methodology - What is your plan for the research so that it can be successful?
    4. Once submitted, I will review the proposal, and possibly request changes.
    5. Once the proposal is sufficient I will accept it, and it will be passed on to your faculty sponsor.
    6. Once your faculty sponsor approves your proposal, you will be able to get the CRN from the site.
    7. Take the CRN and register in Schedule Builder
  2. During quarter:
  3. End of quarter:
    1. At the beginning of the final week of instruction, you will need to submit a final report of what you've completed.
    2. Some of the fields you will need to fill out are: (Not directly applicable, but see 192 Final Report Example for a past final report example)
      • Title
      • Accomplishments - Give an overall brief of what you did. You should probably give some background for those that haven't read your proposal.
      • Skills Acquired - What new skills have you acquired, or what have you learned?
      • Objectives Completed - What objectives did you complete while you were researching?
    3. Once submitted, I will review the final report, and possibly request changes.
    4. Once the proposal is sufficient I will accept it, and you will be all done.