
Papers up to 2007 are linked below. More recent papers are on my home page. Even earlier papers can be obtained from Scholar
or from the ACM Digital Library,  Springer  LINK, DBLP etc.


  1. Wohlstader, E., Devanbu, P., Middleware Support For Crosscutting Features in Distributed, Heterogeneous Systems, accepted to Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, 2007. Also available from Springer Link

  2. Martel, C., Nuckolls G., Devanbu, P., Gertz, M, `` A General Model for Authentic Data Publication". Accepted to Algorithmica

  3. Devanbu, P., Gertz, M., Kwong, A., Martel, C., Nuckols, G., and Stubblebine, S.,``Flexible Authentication of XML Documents'', Journal of Computer Security, accepted, to appear.

  4. Gertz, M., Kwong, A., Martel, C., Nuckolls, G., Devanbu, P., and Stubblebine, S., Databases that tell the Truth: Authentic Data Publication Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering, March 2004, Vol 7, No 1.

  5. Devanbu, P., Gertz, M., Martel, C., Stubblebine, S. , ``Authentic Third-Party Data Publication'', of Journal of Computer Security, 11(3), 2003.

  6. Devanbu, P., Stubblebine, S., ``Stack and Queue Integrity on Hostile Platforms'', IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering., January 2002

  7. Devanbu, P., Stubblebine, S., Guest Editors Intruction: Software Engineering and Security, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering , 2001

  8. Devanbu, P., Desert Island Column , Invited guest column for Journal of Automated Software Engineering , 2000

  9. Devanbu, P.T.; Perry, D.E.; Poulin, J.S. Guest editors introduction: Next generation software reuse IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering May 2000

  10. Devanbu, P., ``Retargetability in Software Tools'' ACM Applied Computing Review, 2000

  11. Devanbu, P., Stubblebine, S., ``Cryptographic Verification of Test Coverage Claims'', IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering, 2000.

  12. Cohen, W., Devanbu, P., ``Automatically Exploring Hypotheses about Fault Prediction: a Comparative Study of Inductive Logic Programming Methods'' International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Special Issue on ``Knowledge Discovery from Software Engineering Data"

  13. Devanbu, P., ``GENOA: A Language and Front-End independent Source Code Analyzer'', ACM Transactions in Software Engineering, 1999.

  14. Devanbu, P., Frakes W., ``Extracting Formal Domain Models from Existing Code for Generative Reuse'', ACM Applied Computing Review, 1997.

  15. Devanbu P., Jones, M. ``The Use of Description Logics in KBSE Systems'', ACM Transactions on Software Engineering, 1997.

  16. Devanbu P., Rosenblum, D., Wolf., A. ``Generating Testing and Analysis Tools with Aria'', ACM Transactions on Software Engineering, 1996.

  17. Devanbu, P., Litman, D. ``CLASP - a Plan Representation and Classification Scheme for a Software Information System'', Artificial Intelligence, 1996.

  18. Devanbu P., ``On a Framework for Source Code Search Using Program Patterns'', IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1995.

  19. Devanbu, P., Brachman, R., Selfridge P., Ballard, B., ``LaSSIE - a Knowledge-Based Software Information System'', special issue of the Communications of the ACM, containing the best papers from the Twelfth International Conference on Software Engineering, May 1991.

  20. Devanbu, P., Selfridge, P., Ballard, B., Brachman, R., ``LaSSIE - a Knowledge-Based Software Information System'' (Same material as above) also appears in Prieto-Diaz, R., and Arango, G. (eds) IEEE Tutorial, ``Domain Analysis and Software Systems Modeling'', IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991.

  21. Belanger, D., Brachman, R., Chen, Y.-F., Devanbu, P., Selfridge P., ``Progress towards a Software Information System'', AT&T Technical Journal; Summer/Fall 1990.

  22. Devanbu, P., Selfridge, P., Ballard, B., Brachman, R., ``A Knowledge-Based Software Information System'', (originally appearing Proceedings of the International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence 89, Detroit, August 1989), in ``Automating Software Design'', R. McCartney and M. Lowry (Eds), MIT Press; Winter 1990.

  23. Agrawal, R., Devanbu, P. ``Selections in Linear Least Fixpoint Queries'', Special section of IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering 1(4), December 1989, featuring the best papers from the Fourth and Fifth IEEE Conferences on Data Engineering.


Acceptance rate of competitive venues shown in percentage.

  1. Bird, C., Gourley, A., Devanbu, P., Swaminathan, A., and Gertz, M.  Mining Email Social Networks, ICSE 2006 Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2006) (30%)

  2. Omer Demir, Devanbu, P., Wohlstadter, E., and Tai, S. Optimizing QoS adaptations in MiddlewareACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware, 2006.

  3. Omer Demir, Devanbu, P, Wohlstadter, E., and Medvidovic, N., DISCOA: Architectural Adaptations for Security and QoS, ICSE 2005 Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems

  4. Gould, C.R., Su, Z., Devanbu, P.T., JDBC Checker: A Static Analysis Tool for SQL/JDBC Applications. Research Demonstrations Track, ICSE 2004  (35%)

  5. Wohlstadter, E.,Jackson, S., Devanbu, P.T: Design and Implementation of Distributed Crosscutting Applications, Research Demonstration Track, ICSE 2004. (35%)
  6. Gould, C.R., Su., Z., Devanbu, P., ``Static Checking of Dynamically Generated Queries in Database Applications", ICSE 2004, Edinburgh, UK. (13%). ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper

  7. Wohladter, E., Tai, S., Thomas, A., Rouvellou, I., Devanbu P., ``GlueQoS: Middleware to Sweeten Quality-of-Service Policy Interactions", ICSE 2004, Edinburgh, UK. (13%)
  8. Alonso, O., Gertz. M., Devanbu, P., Database Techniques for the Analysis and Exploration of Software Repositories MSR '04: International Workshop on Mining Software Repositiories, Edinburgh, UK, 2004.

  9. Dahlgren, T., Devanbu, P. Adaptable Assertion Checking for Scientific Software Components, International Workshop on Software EngineeringÊforÊ High Performance Computing System Applications, Edinburgh, UK 2004.
  10. Wohlstadter, E., Devanbu, P., ``DADO: a novel programming model for distributed, heterogeneous, late-bound QoS implementations", Proceedings, Workshop on Secure Reliable Middleware (SRM) , Catania, Italy, 2003.

  11. Devanbu, P., Gertz, M., Toone, B., "Static type-inference for Trust in Distributed Information Systems", Tenth International Conference on Co-operative Information Systems (COOPIS), Catania, Italy, 2003. (23%)
  12. Toone, B., Gertz., M., Devanbu, P., ``Trust Mediation for Distributed Information Systems", Eighteenth International Information Security Conference, 2003, (27%)

  13. Wohlstadter, E., Jackson, S., Devanbu, P, ``DADO: Enhancing middleware to support cross-cutting features in distributed, heterogeneous systems", ICSE 2003 (13%) Nominated for the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished paper

  14. Premkumar T. Devanbu, Bob Balzer, Don S. Batory, Gregor Kiczales, John Launchbury, David Lorge Parnas, Peri L. Tarr: Modularity in the New Millenium: A Panel Summary. ICSE 2003.

  15. Wohlstadter, E., Toone, B., and Devanbu, P., ÒA Framework for Flexible Evolution in Distributed Heterogeneous Systems,Ó International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution, 2002.

  16. Jackson, S., Devanbu, P., Splicing Views for Programmers  OOPSLA Workshop on Software Visualization, 2001.

  17. Devanbu, P., and Wohlstadter, E., Managing Evolution in Distributed Heterogeneous Systems,Ó NFS Workshop on New Visions for Software Design and Productivity: Research and Applications, 2001.

  18. Wohlstadter E., Keen, A., Jackson, S., Devanbu, P., ``Accomodating Evolution in AspectJ'' Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns, OOPSLA 2001

  19. Devanbu, P., Gertz, M., Kwong, A., Martel, C., Nuckols, G., and Stubblebine, S.,``Flexible Authentication of XML Documents'', ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2001, (17%) Philadelphia, USA.

  20. Knight, J., D. Heimbigner, A. Wolf, A. Carzaniga, J. Hill, and P. Devanbu, "The Willow Survivability Architecture". Proc. of the Fourth Information Survivability Workshop, 2001

  21. Keen, D., Chong, F., Devanbu, P., Farrens, M., Brown, J., Hollfelder, J., and Zhuang, X.,``Memory issues in hardware-supported software safety'' ISCA 2001 Workshop on Memory Performance issues, Goteborg, Sweden.

  22. Wohlstadter, E., Devanbu, P., ``A Lazy approach to modeling higher-order connectors'', ICSE 2001 Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns in Software Engineering, Toronto, Canada.

  23. Wohlstadter, E., Jackson, S., Devanbu P.,``Generating Wrappers for Command-line Programs: The Cal-Aggie Wrap-O-Matic project.'' Proceedings, ICSE 2001 (18%), Toronto, Canada

  24. Devanbu, P., Gertz, M., Martel, C., Rogaway, P., Stubblebine, S.G., ``Authentic Re-Publication by Untrusted Servers: A Novel Approach to Database Survivability'', Third IEEE Information Survivability Workshop (ISW-2000), 2000.

  25. Wolf, A., Heimbinger, D., Carzaniga, A., Knight, J., Devanbu, P., Gertz, M., ``Bend, Don't Break: Using Reconfiguration to Achieve Survivability'', Third IEEE Information Survivability Workshop (ISW-2000), 2000

  26. Devanbu, P., Gertz, M., Martel, C., Stubblebine, S., ``Authentic Third-Party Data Publication'', Fourteenth IFIP 11.3 Conference on Database Security, 2000, (42%)

  27. Devanbu, P., Stubblebine, S., Uschold M., ``The Next Revolution: Free, Full, Open Person-2-Person (P2P) E-commerce'' TWIST-2000: The workshop on Internet-Scale Technologies, Irvine, CA, 2000.

  28. Devanbu P., Stubblebine, S., ``Security and Software Engineering: A Roadmap'', Twenty-second International Conference on Software Engineering, 2000.

  29. Borgida, A., Devanbu, P. ``Adding more DL to IDL: towards more Knowledgeable Component Inter-Operability'', Twenty-first International Conference on Software Engineering, 1999. (17%).

  30. Devanbu, P., Chen, Y-F., Gansner, E, Muller, H., Martin, J., ``Chime - Customizable Hyperlink Insertion and Maintenance Engine for Software Engineering Environments'', Twenty-first International Conference on Software Engineering, 1999. (17%).

  31. Malabarba, S., Devanbu P., Stearns, A., ``MoHCA-JAVA--A tool to support C++ to Java Conversion'', Reviewed Research Demonstration Track, Twenty-first International Conference on Software Engineering, 1999.

  32. Sitaraman, M., Davis, M., Devanbu, P., Poulin, J., Ran A., Weide B., ``Reuse Research: Contributions, Problems and Non-Problems'', ACM Symposium on Software Reuse, 1999. (Invited panel summary).

  33. P. Devanbu, M. Gertz, S. Stubblebine.  ``Security for Automated, Distributed Configuration Management'',
    Proceedings, ICSE 99 Workshop on Software Engineering over the Internet, 1999.

  34. Sant'anna. M., Leite, J., Baxter, I., Wile, D., Biggerstaff, T., Batory, D., Devanbu, P., Burd L., ``International Workshop on Software Transformation Systems (STS'99)'',  Twenty-first International Conference on Software Engineering 1999. (Invited workshop summary).

  35. Devanbu, P., Stubblebine, S., ``Stack and Queue Integrity on Hostile Platforms'', IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 1998. (17%).

  36. Devanbu P., Fong, P., Stubblebine, S. ``Techniques for Trusted Software Engineering'' Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering, 1998. (19%)

  37. Devanbu P., Stubblebine S., ``Research Directions for Automated Software Verification: Using Trusted Hardware'', Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 1997. (29%).

  38. Devanbu P., Stubblebine, S., ``Cryptographic Verification of Test Coverage Claims'', Fifth ACM SIGSOFT Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 1997. (14%).

  39. Cohen, W., Devanbu, P., ``A Comparative Study of Inductive Logic Programming Methods for Software Fault Prediction'', Fourteenth International Conference on Machine Learning, 1997. (34%).

  40. Briand L., Devanbu, P., Melo, W., ``An Investigation into Coupling Measures for C++'', 19th International Conference on Software Engineering, 1997. (19%).

  41. Devanbu, P., ``Research Issues in Software Development with Distributed Objects'', Second OOPSLA workshop on distributed objects and the World Wide Web, 1996.
  42. Devanbu, P., Karstu, S., Melo, W., Thomas, D. ``Analytical and Empirical Validation of Reuse Benefit Measures'', 18$^{th}$ International Conference on Software Engineering, 1996. (24%).

  43. Devanbu, P., Karstu, S., ``Measuring the Benefits of Software Reuse'', Workshop on Institutionalizing Software Reuse, 1995.
  44. Devanbu, P., Rosenblum, D., Wolf, A., ``Automated Construction of Testing and Analysis Tools'', 16$^{th}$ International Conference on Software Engineering, 1994. (11%).
  45. Devanbu, P., Jones, M. ``The Use of Description Logics in KBSE Systems'', 16$^{th}$ International Conference on Software Engineering, 1994. (11%).

  46. Devanbu, P., ``Research issues in Applications Generators'', Workshop on Institutionalizing Software Reuse, 1993.

  47. Devanbu, P., ``Translating Description Logics into Information Server Queries'', Second International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 1993. (43%).

  48. Borgida, A., Devanbu, P., ``Knowledge Base Management Systems using Description Logics and their role in Software Information Systems'' (invited paper), Information Processing 92 (Vol.3), pp.171-181, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992.

  49. Devanbu, P. ``Terminological Languages in Software Information Systems'', in the International Workshop on Uses of Terminological Logics.

  50. Devanbu, P. ``Knowledge Based Software Information Systems'', in the Workshop on Applying Artificial Intelligence to Software Problems: Assessing Promises and Pitfalls

  51. Devanbu, P. ``GENOA- a language and front-end independent source code analyzer generator'', 14th International Conference on Software Engineering, 1992. (12%). Nominee and first-runner up for ICSE 2002 Ten-year most influential paper award.

  52. Devanbu, P. ``Knowledge Acquisition for Reuse'', in the First International Workshop on Software Reuse, 1991.

  53. Devanbu, P., Litman, D., ``Plan-Based Terminological Reasoning'', Second International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation, Boston, Mass., 1991. (27%).

  54. Devanbu, P., Brachman, R., Selfridge P., Ballard, B., ``LaSSIE - A Classification-Based Software Information System''. Twelfth International Conference on Software Engineering, 1990. (10%).

  55. Devanbu, P. ``Re-Use of Software Knowledge: a Progress Report'', in Workshop on Institutionalizing Software Reuse, 1990.

  56. Brachman, R., Devanbu, P., ``Domain Modeling in a Software Information System'' Proceedings, Domain Modeling Workshop, in conjunction with OOPSLA '89 1989.

  57. Devanbu, P., Brachman, R., ``Inference in Support of Retrieval for Re-Use in Large Software Systems'', Workshop on Institutionalizing Software Reuse, 1989.

  58. Devanbu, P., Selfridge, P., Ballard, B., Brachman, R., ``A Knowledge-Based Software Information System'', Proceedings of the Ninth International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence, 1989. (21%).

  59. Agrawal, R., Devanbu, P., ``Moving Selections into Linear Least Fixpoint Queries'', Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Data Engineering, 1988. (31%).

  60. Devanbu, P., Freeland, M., Naqvi, S., ``A Procedural Approach to Search Control in Prolog'' Proceedings, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1986. (24%).
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