ECS 120 - Spring 2014 - List of Lecture Topics |
Lecture | Topic | ||
Week 1 | Lect 01 - M 3/31 | Introduction. Three sample problems and their relative complexities. First language-theoretic defns: alphabets and strings. | |
Lect 02 - W 4/02 | Languages and operators on them, including Kleene closure (star). Regular languages. | ||
Disc 01 - W 4/02 | PR. Hints on PS #1. Demonstrating langauges to be regular. Examples of DFAs and the languages they accept. | ||
Lect 03 - F 4/04 | More exampls of DFAs. Formalizing DFAs and their languages. Start closure properties of the DFA-acceptable languages. | ||
Week 2 | Lect 04 - M 4/07 | Quiz 1. YZ: Closure properties of the DFA-acceptable languages. The product construction. | |
Lect 05 - W 4/09 | More product-construction examples (union, intersection, set difference, symmetric differences). NFAs and their formalization. | ||
Disc 02 - W 4/09 | YZ. Course-material review. Problem set hints. | ||
Lect 06 - F 4/11 | Going over Q1. The DFA-acceptable languages are exactly the NFA-acceptable languages. | ||
Week 3 | Lect 07 - M 4/14 | Using DFA/NFA equivalence to understand properties of this class. Showing DFAs minimal with the pigeonhole principle. | |
Lect 08 - W 4/16 | Regular expression and well-definededness of their L operator. Regular languages are the DFA/NFA acceptable languagess. | ||
Disc 03 - W 4/16 | YZ. Examples: NFA to DFA conversion, NFA to regular expression conversion. Correctness of the latter procedure. | ||
Lect 09 - F 4/18 | The value of multiple characterizations. Showing languges not regular: PH arguments, closure properties, the pumping lemma. | ||
Week 4 | Lect 10 - M 4/21 | More examples showing languages not regular. The Myhill-Nerode theorem. | |
Lect 11 - W 4/23 | Quiz 2. Finish description and examples of the Myhill-Nerode theorem. DFA state minimization. | ||
Disc 04 - W 4/23 | YZ. Example of DFA state minimization, and the idea behind it. Q&A for homework and quiz problems. | ||
Lect 12 - F 4/25 | Regular-language decision questionsand their efficiency: equality, emptiness, finiteness, contains a palindrome. | ||
Week 5 | Lect 13 - M 4/28 | Context free langauges: examples and definitions. Vocabulary, like yield, sentential form, deriviation. Ambiguity. | |
Lect 14 - W 5/01 | Review. PDAs: examples and formalizations. Claimed equivalence of the CFLs and the PDA-acceptable langauges. | ||
Disc 05 - W 5/01 | YZ. Strategies for designing CFGs. Problem set hints. TA notes. | ||
Lect 15 - F 5/02 | Converting CFGs to PDAs. Chomsky normal form. A decision procedure for string membership in a CFG. | ||
Week 6 | Lect 16 - M 5/05 | The pumping lemma for CFLs. Using the PL to show languages not regular. CFLs aren’t closed under complement. | |
Lect 17 - W 5/07 | Closure and non-closure properties of the CFLs. Decision procedures for CFLs. Turing machines and their syntax. | ||
Disc 06 - W 5/07 | YZ. Converting a CFG into CNF. The CYK algorithm to decide if a string is in a CFL. Help for PS6. TA notes. | ||
Lect 18 - F 5/09 | Formalzing TMs. Turing-decidable (recusive) and Turing-acceptable (r.e.) languages. What shapes our scientific imagining. | ||
Week 7 | Lect 19 - M 5/12 | Midterm Midterm Midterm Midterm Midterm Midterm Midterm Midterm Midterm Midterm Midterm Midterm | |
Lect 20 - W 5/14 | YZ. Altnernative models of computation: multitracks, multitapes, RAMs. The Church-Turing thesis. The four-possiblities theorem. | ||
Disc 07 - W 5/15 | No discussion section this week. | ||
Lect 21 - F 5/16 | More TM alternatives: RAMs, 2-tag systems and rule-110 CAs. Arguments for and against the CT Thesis. | ||
Week 8 | Lect 22 - M 5/19 | Two views of NTMs and there equivalence to ordinary Turing machines. Encodings. Classification guesses. | |
Lect 23 - W 5/21 | More language-classification guesses. Undecidability of ATM. Defn of many-one reductions. A first rdxn: ATM ≤mHALT. | ||
Disc 08 - W 5/21 | Review of NTMs and their equivalence to DTMs. Practice with classification guesses. TA notes. | ||
Lect 24 - F 5/23 | Review. Turing reductions vs. many-one reductions. Practice doing many-one reductions. Tricks used: setting a clock, pre-accepting strings, dovetailing. | ||
Week 9 | Lect xx - M 5/26 | Holiday — no class | |
Lect 25 - W 5/28 | Quiz 3. YZ. Undecidability of the language CFGALL. TA notes. | ||
Disc 09 - W 5/28 | YZ: Finish proof of undecidability of CFGALL. Rice’s Theorem, proof, and its significance. | ||
Lect 26 - F 5/30 | DG: The classes P and NP. Alternative characterizations of NP. Example NP problems. P⊆NP. | ||
Week 10 | Lect 27 - M 6/02 | NP-Completeness. Polynomial-time reductions, ≤p. Definition of 3SAT. Showing 3SAT NP-complete. | |
Lect 28 - W 6/04 | More examples of reductions and NP-Complete problems: CLIQUE, G3C, SUBSET SUM. Proof of the Cook-Leving theorem. | ||
Disc 10 - W 6/04 | More practice with NP-Completeness reductions: SUBSET SUM and VERTEX COVER. | ||
Revi 01 - M 6/09 | Review session in 106 Wellman from 3:30 pm to (roughly) 5:00 pm. Please work out the practice exam first. | ||
Week 11 | Lect xx - W 6/11 | Final – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in our usual room |