ERRATA for Introduction to the Theory of Computation

Here are bugs found by our class. If you make your name appear many times in this list I'll be happy with you. Mike Sipser has a master list of reported bugs. Please mail me to send in your own contribution - I'll compile these and send it to Sipser all at once.
Page 13, 16, ...
One usually insists that an alphabet be nonempty. This isn't said anywhere.
Reported 1/13/97 by Phil Rogaway of UC Davis.
Page 48, line 14.
The "1" should be a "0".
Reported 1/22/97 by Brad Ballinger of UC Davis.
Page 60, 61, 62.
You really should be taking disjoint unions in these constructions....
Reported 1/21/97 by Phil Rogaway of UC Davis.
Page 77, 4th line from the bottom.
Replace longer than by at least as long as to be consistent with the usage of the term "pumping length" in Theorem 1.37.
Reported 1/21/97 by Brad Ballinger of UC Davis.
Page 82, third paragraph, second sentence.
Strike the of in front of repetition.
Reported 3/12/97 by Timothy Yuen of UC Davis.
Page 87, picture associated to Exercise 1.19.
Remove the double circles (indicating states as final).
Reported 1/13/97 by Phil Rogaway of UC Davis.
Page 93, first sentence following the CFG.
Typo: Grammar $g_2$ should be Grammar $G_2$. contradicts the earlier statement that the terminals wre the words themselves.
Reported 2/11/97 by Phil Rogaway of UC Davis.
Page 94, definition 2.1.
It is important that S is an element of V.
Reported 2/11/97 by Phil Rogaway of UC Davis.
Page 94, discussion on grammar G_1.
Saying that the underying alphabet is {a, b, ..., z, " ") contradicts the earlier statement that the terminals wre the words themselves.
Reported 2/11/97 by Phil Rogaway of UC Davis.
Page 115, first sentence of paragraph following the statement of Theorem 2.19
"both v and y may not be the empty string" is poorly worded; "it is not the case that both v and y are the empty string."
Reported 2/11/97 by Phil Rogaway of UC Davis.
Page 117, paragraph 3, line 4
tau is not a path, it is a tree.
Reported 2/11/97 by Phil Rogaway of UC Davis.
Page 117, paragraph 6, last sentence
The word have should be how.
Reported 2/11/97 by Eric Tria of UC Davis.
Page 131, 9th line up from the bottom.
change "state q4" to "state q3"
Reported 3/15/97 by Arash Madani of UC Davis.
Page 149, problem 3.13, line 4.
The word to is missing.
Reported 2/24/97 by Brad Ballinger of UC Davis.
Page 169, problem 4.5
Indicates inside the braces that A is a DFA.
Reported 3/17/97 by Arash Madani of UC Davis.
Page 173, line 7.
The word whether appears twice.
Reported 3/17/97 by Arash Madani of UC Davis.
Page 259, sencond to last sentence on the page.
If I understand what you're suggesting in this statement, you'd be increasing the length of \phi_{move} super-polynomially in |N|, which won't do.
Reported 3/18/97 by Phil Rogaway of UC Davis.