Topics for ECS 122A

The following lists the "potential" topics I will choose among.
  1. Introduction *
  2. Recurrences *
  3. Quicksort *
  4. Heapsort *
  5. Selection *
  6. Linear-time sorting *
  7. Hashing *
  8. Program checking *
  9. Binary search trees *
  10. Splay trees *
  11. Dynamic programming *
  12. Huffman codes *
  13. Depth-first search *
  14. Minimum spanning trees *
  15. Fibonacci heaps #
  16. Union-Find #
  17. String matching *
  18. Shortest paths *
  19. Stable marriages *
  20. Disjoint sets *
  21. Convex Hull
  22. NP-Completeness *
  23. Approximation schemes
  24. Branch-and-bound
/* End of quarter note: I append a "*" to mark the topics which I actually covered, and a "#" to mark topics for which we stated results, but where I gave no details. */