Assignment #A - Due Friday, 9/27, 10 minutes before your section begins

Upload your work to Gradescope by the assigned time (above). Make sure you follow all formatting requirements from the course-information sheet.

Part 1

Please provide the following information: (a) your full name; (b) the name you would like to go by in class; (c) your major(s); (d) some fact(s) about you that might help me remember you by; (e) enrolled or waitlisted? (f) if waitlisted: why should I give you a PTA number? Use whatever space you need. Feel free to add anything further I should know, such as: your preferred personal pronoun; if you would prefer that I do not include your photo (with first name and last initial) on a class-accessible website; and any particular requests or concerns you might have for this class.

Part 2

What do you fear? What, if anything, keeps you up at night?

Answer in beautifully written prose of at least 400 words. Typeset things nicely (including: no ragged-right margins, no sans-serif fonts). In this and all writing, include a word-count on top.