List of Telugu Essays (on a variety of Topics)

30. O pennI, nA pennI (O Penny! My Penny!), ImATa Webzine, July 2006  [pdf in Telugu]

29. saMskRtAMdrAla madhya nalugutUnna telugu (Telugu caught between Sanskrit and English), ImATa Webzine, January 2006  [pdf in Telugu]

28. Atma kathani rAyaTamA, mAnaTamA? (To write or not to write an autobiography?) 15th TANA Souvenir, July 2005 [pdf in Telugu]

27. jihvakO ruci (Everyone has their own taste) ImATa Webzine, May 2005 [pdf in Telugu]

26. Keynote address at the Fourth Telugu Sahiti Sadassu, Bridgewater, NJ, “A bird’s eye view of the evolution of Telugu Literature through the twentieth century,” Conducted by Vanguri Foundation of America, October 9,10 2004 [pdf in Telugu]

25. piThApuraM kabulrlu? (My Memories about PithapuraM) ImATa Webzine, September 2004 [pdf in Telugu]

24. bhavishyattulO bhArata dESAniki maroka svarnayugam umdA? (Is there another golden age in India's future?) won the FIRST PRIZE in the Essay category in the First Telugu Creative Writing Contest for Telugu Residents of North America & NRI Telugu Writers Worldwide conducted by ATA, July 2004, to appear in America Bharati [pdf in Telugu]

23. hOmiyOpatI SAstraM kAdA? (Is Homeopathy not a Science?)  Andhra Bhumi Daily, July 14, 2003 (Edit Page) [pdf in Telugu]

22. pAtikELLanATi pravAsAMdhrulu (Daispora Telugus Twenty Five Years Ago), Kaumudi,  TANA Souvenir, San Jose, CA, July 2003. Reprinted in Rachana, July 2003, pp33-37,  For an un-edited (un-censored version, click here  [pdf in Telugu]

21. svIDan^lO mAtRbhAsha vADakaM, (The use of mother tongue in Sweden), eemATa webzine,  March 2003 [pdf in Telugu] [Txt in RIT]

20. caritrani mArcina rakta dOshaM, (The Blood-disease that change the course of history), kAlanirNay^ Calendar, p 2, January 2002

19. telugulO aksharAlu EvEMiTi?, (What are the Letters of the Telugu Alphabet?), Telugu Jyothi,  pp 16-17, June 1997, and  Rachana Intinti Paksha Patrika, pp 74-75, March 2000 [pdf in telugu]

18. mana pErlu, iMTipErlu (Our Names and Surnames), Vendi Velugu, Souvenir, Greater Delaware Valley Telugu Association's 25th Anniversary Issue, pp 46, 48 and 50, 1996, eemaata webzine, Issue 12, November 2000. [pdf in Telugu]

17. Marriage counseling

16. samudraMlO kaki reTTa (A Crow’s Dropping in the Sea), Telugu Jyothi, pp 10-11, July 1997, Also in Rachana, pp??

15. animals

14. aeroplanes

13. itara bhAshalalOni mATalani telugulO uccariMcaDaM, (Pronunciation of Foreign Words in Telugu?), Telugu Jyothi,  pp 23-25, May 1997

12. telugulO sUkshmIkaraNa, (Standardization in Telugu Script), Rachana Intinti Paksha Patrika, pp 60-64, October 1996

11. telugu lipi sUkshmIkaraNa (Simplifying Telugu Script), Rachana Entinti Patrika, pp 9-11, November 1995

10. What logic is this, Sir? Souvenir of the Tenth Telugu Conference, Chicago, IL, pp 19-21, (Kaleidoscope Section), 1995.

9. namma SakyaM kAni nijAlu. (Unbelievable facts), Telugu Jyothi, pp 36, May 1995.

8. bharata yuddhaM eppudu jarigiMdi? (When did the Mahabharata war take place?), Telugu Jyothi, pp 14-17, May 1995.

7. amerikAlO telugu (How to Teach Telugu in the United States?) Telugu Jyothi, pp 13-19, August 1994

6. ugAdi, yugAdi, (New Year, new era)  Telugu Jyothi, p 9, March 1993

5. biMdu siMdhu nyAyaM (Unity in Diversity), Telugu Jyothi, p 55, April 1992

4. SishTavyavahArikaM (Telugu language of the learned class), Telugu Jyothi, p 23, February 1992, Reprinted in the Souvenir, Fourth World Telugu Conference, New York, NY, p 484, July 1992.

4. mAnavakulaMlO musalaM (Destruction of the humnankind), Bharati, (Andhra Patrika’s Bharati addendum) , circa 1987

3. Some hints on translating scientific jargon into Telugu, Souvenir of the Fifth TANA Conference, Long Beach, CA, pp 75-76, 1985

2. kOpam (Anger in Telugu Literature), Souvenir of the Second Telugu Conference, Detroit, MI, May 1979. Reprinted Souvenir of the Ninth Telugu Conference, pp 160-161, July 1993.

1. Telugu script and its modern needs, Telugu Bhasha Patrika, 3(2):9-13, October 1973.
Friday  the 2 September 2005