ECS 162 Assignment 4

Please submit by midnight, Friday May 11, using Canvas.
We will accept submissions by teams of at most three.
Everyone in the team should submit the same files, and will get the same grade.

behavior of PhotoQ

In this assignment we'll do some of the back-end Web server work that will get us ready for the flashier parts of our World Heritage Sites app.

  1. First, we will set up a server that can handle both static and dynamic queries. Instructions are here. Be sure your server can serve the static pages to get testWHS.html from it's /public directory.
  2. Next, we'll change this starter app so that the browser does not have to know the urls of the images; the idea is that in the final version of the app, the urls and tags will be kept in a database on the server. We'll add the database next week, but for now let's just get the list of URLs over to the server, and orchestrate the AJAX request to get one by index number. Here are some detailed instructions.
  3. If you want to get a jump on the next part of the project, take a look!
  4. Finally, for those who would like to do their own design of the app, here is some information on how the app should function, including some rough sketches of how the main features of the user interface should work. You may submit a series of detailed mock-ups, similar to what Dana has been providing. Please submit, on Canvas, also by Friday May 11. Also include a brief README describing your design decisions. If you want to change how the app works (for instance, not implementing autocomplete for some very good reason) contact me to make sure your plan is OK.

    What to turn in

    Hand in your server, SnDserver.js, and your modified browser code in testWHS.js, using Canvas, by midnight on the 11th.