ECS 188 - Ethics in an Age of Techology - Spring 2006
Section 1 final class meeting:
Thursday June 15, 1:30 - 3:30, 244 Olson.
Section 2 final class meeting:
Friday June 9, 1:30 - 3:30, 117 Olson.
- Students who presented when Phil was away and who would like to Phil to
see your presentation: send Phil and email to schedule it.
- Section 2: I am missing grades for Quiz #8 (Just War Theory, War and Massacre,
Collective Violence, Why the Future Doesn't Need Us) for: Jeremy,
Yong, Nathan. (I messed up in entering these properly.) If you
are any of these people please self-report your score to me!
Who's who
- Earl Barr ( Office hours MWF 10-11 am, or by appointment, in 3060 Kemper.
Earl teaches Section 1 (TR 10:40-12:00) with Phil
- Phil Rogaway
( Office hourse M 3-5 pm, or by appointment, in 3063 Kemper.
Phil teaches Section 2 (TR 4:40-6:00).
- Section 1 students and
Section 2 students
Other course information