Patrice Koehl
Department of Computer Science
Genome Center
Room 4319, Genome Center, GBSF
451 East Health Sciences Drive
University of California
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (530) 754 5121

Ethics in an Age of Technology: Fall 2022

The term paper

Your paper is to be based on either a book or a topic. Here is a list of possible books. Please note that this list is not meant to be exhaustive: you are free to pick another book that you like, as long as it is related to ethics and technology. I will not give a list of suggested topics so that you can decide what you want to talk about. Again, topics only need to be related to ethics and technology. Be careful not to pick a topic that is too broad. I suggest that you discuss your topic with me early on.

The paper should be no less than 2000 words (about 8-pages). The paper should be written with an intended audience of me and your classmates. Write something that you yourself would want to be given to read.

Your paper should be carefully written: it will be graded for writing quality. Make sure to give full references in the bibliography (eg., author, title, journal, publisher, pages, date; a URL alone is rarely a reference by itself). Include all necessary citations and footnotes. Please number all pages. Follow standard stylistic conventions (any fixed set of conventions you select). I like left-and-right justified text, but this is not an obligation. Use a pleasant-to-read font (not Arial or any other sans serif font).

Think, organize, think, and organize. Write and rewrite.

A team project

You will work in a team of up to two on your project (term paper + oral presentation). Your partner needs to be in the same section as yours. Larger teams will not be permitted unless you make a good case for it. Each team will submit one paper and do one presentation. All team members get the same grade.


There will be two optional milestones:

  • Milestone 1: The paper proposal. In it you will identify the book or topic you want to cover, and with whom you will work. Submit Milestone 1 to Canvas. Feedback will be minimal: either I like your book/topic, or I don't. If I don't like your proposal, you will have to find another topic. The most common reasons for my rejecting a proposal: (a) the book or topic is already taken; (b) the topic is unclear or too broad; and (c) the topic or book is not related to ethics and technology.
  • Milestone 2: A rough draft of your paper. The draft should be most of your paper - any omitted portion should be modest in breadth and the unfinished portion clearly circumscribed. Please upload Milestone 2 on Canvas. Include a word count at the top of your Milestone 2.

You will not be penalized if you do not turn in Milestone 1 or Milestone 2.... however, do notice that you are penalizing yourself as you will not get any feedback. The final version of the paper needs to be turned in on Canvas by the due date.

Due dates

Deadlines for turning in the milestones and final version:

Item Due date
Milestone 1 October 7
Milestone 2 October 28
Final version November 18

Rubrics for grading term paper

The term paper will be graded over a total of 100 pts, with the following rubrics:

  • Overall presentation / spelling / grammar / style / references: 30 pts

    Fits with the requirements (i.e. between 1800 and 2200 words; needs to provide word count on first page) 5 pts
    Grammar /spelling (1 pt off for each error detected, until down to 0) 10 pts
    Organization / style 5 pts
    References at the end of document: at least 5, 3 of which need to be reviewed, and published in a scientific journal 10 pts

  • Presentation of the technology/topic and ethical problems: 20 pts

    The technology/topic is presented clearly enough that it can be understood by a non specialist 10 pts
    The ethical questions are clearly outlined 10 pts

  • What the "experts" say: 25 pts

    Covers range of opinions (at least 3 different experts, out of which at least one should oppose the others) 20 pts
    Depth and breadth of research (i.e. beyond a single book) 5 pts

  • Analysis and thesis: 25 pts

    Analysis of what the "experts" say 15 pts
    Your point of view / own voice 10 pts

Rubrics for grading the oral presentation

The presentation will be graded over a total of 100 pts, with the following rubrics:

  • Attendance to the oral presentations 10 pts

    The maximum point for attendance is 10 pts; 2 points will be removed for each absence (with lecture and discussion section counted separately). Note that you may lose a total of 16 points if you do not come to any lectures / discussions!

  • Overall presentation / support slides 30 pts

    Clarity and quality of the slides 10 pts
    Slides do not repeat what is said orally 10 pts
    Presentation is smooth 10 pts

  • Presentation of the technology/topic and ethical problems: 30 pts

  • Analysis and thesis: 30 pts

  Page last modified 13 September 2022