Patrice Koehl
Department of Computer Science
Genome Center
Room 4319, Genome Center, GBSF
451 East Health Sciences Drive
University of California
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (530) 754 5121

Modeling and Data Analysis in Life Sciences: 2017

Lab1: Getting to know Matlab

With this lab, you will start becoming familiar with the Matlab environment and some of its facilities. You will learn:

  • - How to perform basic arithmetic operations
  • - How to assign values to variables
  • - How to use control structures (do and if)
  • - How to generate graphics


Getting to know Matlab:

Word document (click to download)
PDF document (click to download)

Exercise 1: Basic Arithmetic calculations within Matlab

Evaluate the following expressions by hand and use Matlab to check the answers:

  1. $$1+2+3$$
  2. $$\cos(\frac{\pi}{6})$$
  3. $${3^{2}}^{2}$$
  4. $$\log(e^{3})$$ (lookup the functions exp and log)
  5. $$\sin^2\left(\frac{\pi}{6}\right) + \cos^2\left(\frac{\pi}{6}\right)$$

Exercise 2: assign values to variables; basic operations on arrays

Translate the following math statements into MATLAB commands. For help, the values for the function when x = [1 2 3] are given.
  1. $$f = \cos(x)\sin(x)$$
    ans =
    0.4546 -0.3784 -0.1397
  2. $$f = (\sin(x))^2$$
    ans =
    0.7081 0.8268 0.0199
  3. $$f = \sin(x^2)$$
    ans =
    0.8415 -0.7568 0.4121
  4. $$f = 7x^2 \sin \left(\frac{1}{7x^2}\right)$$
    ans =
    0.9966 0.9998 1.0000

Exercise 3: Control structures

The Fibonacci sequence

We consider the famous Fibonacci sequence that was originally developed to characterize the population of rabbit. It is define as follows:

For example, starting with n = 1, we get: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ...

Write a Matlab script that computes Fn. Check it for n = 5, 10, and 20.

Exercise 4: Plotting

We want to create a graph of over $$[0, \pi]$$. To illustrate what happens when there are too few points in the x domain, let us first try a step size of $$\pi/10$$.

  • Which command gives the desired values for x?
    1. x = 0:pi:pi/10;
    2. x = 0:pi/10:pi;
    3. x = 0:1/10:pi;
  • Which command gives the correct answer for y?
    1. y = cos(4x);
    2. y = cos4*x;
    3. y = cos(4*x);
  • Plot your graph with the plot command
  • Redo your plot, this time using the command
    >> x = linspace(0,pi)
    to define the x array. Which plot looks more like the plot of a cosine curve?

Exercise 5: Errors in programs

The following Matlab programs contain some elementary programming mistakes. Find the mistake and suggest a solution to each or them.

  • Program 1:
    function d=pol2(h)
    while i < h

  • Program 2:
    function diff =pol3(arr)
    for i=1:length(arr)

  • Program 3:
    r=input('Please enter a number: ');
    if r=0
    fprintf('The number is zero');
    fprintf('The number is negative');

Exercise 6: graphing


Biorhythms were very popular in the 1960s. They are based on the notion that three sinusoidal cycles influence our lives. The physical cycle has a period of 23 days, the emotional cycle has a period of 28 days, and the intellectual cycles has a period of 33 days. For an individual, the cycles are initialized at birth. The figure below shows my biorhythm, which begins on October 26, 1961, plotted for an eight-week period centered around the date this is written, August 28, 2017.

The following code segment is part of a program that plots a biorhythm for an eight-week period centered on the date August 28, 2017:

t0 = datenum('Oct. 26, 1961');
t1 = datenum('Aug. 28, 2017');
t = (t1-28):1:(t1+28);
y1 = 100*sin(2*pi*(t-t0)/23);
y2 = 100*sin(2*pi*(t-t0)/28);
y3 = 100*sin(2*pi*(t-t0)/33);

hold on
  • Complete the program above, using your own birthday, and the line, datetick, title, datestr, legend, and xlabel functions. Your program should produce something like the figure above.
  • The three rhythms are periodic functions, with periods 23, 28, and 33 days. There will be a day in your life when all three rhythms will be zero again ("resetting" the rhythms): it will occur 23*28*33 days after your birth, i.e. on day 21252, i.e. when you will be 58 years old! Can you find which day this will be?
  • In between your birthdate and that day, is there a day where all your 3 biorhythms will be maximum? The answer is no... but can you find a “near perfect” day, i.e. a day where the three biorhythms will be close to 1?
    Hint: Consider finding the maximum of the sum of the three functions y1, y2, and y3

  Page last modified 15 June 2022